What’s the difference between YOU, Obama and Romney?

August 30, 2012

It has nothing to do with the fact that they are running for President.

The answer is eMail…..

The presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney don’t share a lot of common ground, but they have at least one thing in common. They have both bought in some of the top marketing brains in the world and top marketers know that eMail is one of the most effective ways of increasing sales, or in the case of presidential campaigns, raising funds.

It is estimated that between them, they will raise $80 million, just via eMail marketing alone.

Kinda makes ya think doesn’t it? Especially as most people don’t even like politicians.

Got to ask you a question…

If the top marketers say eMail is one of the most effective marketing methods, future presidents are doing it AND your competitors are doing it.

Why are you NOT doing it?

Now some people say “eMails doesn’t work” or “it will annoy your clients”.

Ask them this question “Is that a fact or a personal opinion?” because the top marketers are saying different….

Now, if Romney and Obama do it and get $80 million and our clients do it and get some amazing results, then so can you.

When you join the Recruitment Marketing Academy, you will access ‘done for you’ email templates that have generated leads for your competitors helping them to make more placements and earn more money.

Vote with your mouse and click HERE now.

Please note: any adverts on this page are not connected with drewcoaching.

Can I get something off my chest?

August 21, 2012

You know, sometimes, something’s just defy belief and logic.

On Thursday last week, I received the following email from a Recruitment Business owner, based in New Zealand..

To Whom it may concern

Please can you cancel my subscription to the Recruitment Marketing Academy as I do not find it beneficial to my business.

Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that some business owners don’t get permission marketing and prefer to continue with cold calling to try and get business.

However, in this particular individual’s case, they joined the Membership Site on Monday 8th May for $1.00. This gave them access to ‘done for you’ tools, templates and scripts that are guaranteed to grow any recruitment/staffing firm. Also, once a month they could attend a Q&A session with recruiters from around the world, as well as access the expertise of a Recruitment Business Coach. This individual logged in to the site ONCE during their five month membership. They NEVER attended a single Q&A session and they NEVER responded to any of my emails asking her how they were getting on and offering help.

“Please can you cancel my subscription to the Recruitment Marketing Academy as I do not find it beneficial to my business.”


I was slightly confused by the email, as many other business owners have generated more leads than they could handle with the help of the Membership Site.

When I pointed out that they had only been onto the site once, they replied “I have been busy doing other stuff.”

Is it me or does that make NO sense? Too busy to grow your business? Shouldn’t the “stuff” you’re doing be growing your business?

Just a thought…

Anyway, I duly cancelled their membership and removed them from our database, as that is just not the kind of recruitment / staffing business owner that we want to work with.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest…

Look, if you’re not too busy to make more placements, earn more money and never cold call again, click HERE now.

If you are too busy you also need to click HERE now.

Please note: any adverts on this page are not connected with drewcoaching.

Are Your Clients Ripping You Off And Stealing Your Recruitment Fees?

August 6, 2012

Diamond Jubilee, Fish ‘n’ Chips & Your Recruitment Business

June 7, 2012

Over the weekend the family and I went to London to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee and we had a great time in the pomp and ceremony of the day despite the lousy weather.

After a long day we were wet, cold and hungry and we decided that as a treat we would visit the oldest fish ‘n’ chip shop in the UK – The world famous Rock & Sole Plaice in Covent Garden.  As you know, fish ‘n’ chips is a traditional English dish and it seemed only appropriate that on this special occasion that we stick with tradition.  Now I don’t know if you have ever had the pleasure of eating there, but it is considered to be the oldest chip shop in the UK, so you can imagine it was pretty busy. The service was OK, but I thought the meal was fabulous and it certainly hit the button as far as we concerned. We were able to take our time and really enjoy the meal after what had been a very long day. The bill came to just over £100 for 4 of us, which included deserts and coffees etc.

At the table next to us was another family of 4 who were clearly upset at what they considered to be a lot of money for a traditional dish of fish ‘n’ chips, and they were heard complaining that they normally only pay a fraction of that when they go to their local chip shop.  As you know, in Covent Garden in London there are many places to go and eat from fine dining to pizza and burger bars, not to mention a few venues where you would be best to wipe your feet on the way out!!!

The interesting thing was that we were quite happy with our meal and did not feel it was appropriate to compare the price we paid with what we would pay at our local shop. I also felt that as there was such a large choice of restaurants and bars in the area it was rather churlish to complain about the price as it was a choice to eat there.

It reminded me of the two types of clients you have to deal with as a recruitment business owner.

First there is what is called the transactional client and this type of client is always looking for the best deal and buys on price and price alone.  If another recruitment firm was to offer the service at 0.5% less this type of client would accept as they have no loyalty. These types of clients think short term and see themselves as the expert and have no desire for you as the supplier to make any profit.  Their biggest fear is could they get it cheaper somewhere else?

Interestingly, the transactional client also tends to make more demands on you, your company and your time as it is all about what they can get from you.   When you work with the transactional client it can be frustrating and certainly tiresome.

Then there is the relational client.  This type of client is looking for an expert recruitment firm.  They are looking for someone they can trust, someone who will meet all their needs and they value the relationship. This type of client also realises that if they shopped around they would almost certainly find a cheaper option, but that is not the most important factor for them.  Their biggest fear is making the wrong choice. The conversation they have with you is about your service with less focus on the price.

As a recruitment business owner you have a choice about who you work with.  If you only wish to work with clients who really appreciate what you do and want to work with you on a ‘win win basis then that is your choice.

You can choose to implement a marketing plan that generates warm leads for you easily and effortlessly, or you can choose to make endless cold calls, the consequences of which are that you become almost desperate when a potential client indicates some interest, even if that client has no loyalty to you or appreciation of what you do.

You can choose to click here  and get access to marketing tools or you can choose to do what you have always done and get the same results.

It really is your choice.

Please note: any adverts on this page are not connected with drewcoaching.

A Tale of Two Recruitment Business Owners

April 25, 2012

(NB: This is a true story, only names have been hidden to protect the innocent)

One day, on a rainy spring afternoon in London, 15 years ago, two men attended a seminar for budding recruitment business owners…

They were very much alike, these two men. Both wanted to make a difference in the recruitment world, both were friendly and people focused, and both had big dreams for their future recruitment businesses.

They vowed to stay in touch, but as the years rolled by they gradually lost contact, that was until recently when they ran into each other at a soccer match.

They were still very much alike. Both were happily married. Both had children. And unlike many who attended the same recruitment business seminar, both had started their own recruitment businesses AND were still in business, despite the ups and downs of the economy.

Both also had excellent reputations for being great recruiters.

But there was a striking difference…

One of the men worked in his business 40-50 hours a week, and made a modest income for his family. (around 85k pa) The other spent more time with his family than he did working, and enjoyed a multimillion recruitment business.

What Made The Difference?
Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives?

It isn’t always intelligence, or hard work, or luck. And it certainly isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t. The difference lies in what each person knows, and how they make use of that knowledge.

The first man – who worked very hard to bring home a modest income for his family – had become an expert on the latest techniques in recruitment, you name it, and he did it! The second man – who had achieved all his financial goals – had become an expert on marketing. The first man had become a master of his craft and had a job… while the second man had become a master at bringing in new clients, getting bigger deals, and had a business.

The first man took pride in doing every job himself – he had to make sure it was done right… while the second man – with his higher revenues – took pride in hiring highly skilled people to be a part of his team and be excellent in areas he was weak. He also discovered the importance of systemising his business so he never had to recruit experienced recruiters.
The first man’s business was his life; it constantly interfered with his relationships and his health. He also had the constant challenge of never being able to find good consultants and only getting business by “cold calling”…. while the second man’s business enabled him to create the lifestyle he dreamed of ten years ago. Every month his business would generate 100 leads and his consultants never ever made cold calls. In fact pestering potential clients with cold calls were banned.

How do I know this?

…Because the second man in the story is me.

But here’s the reason why I tell you this true story…

This exact same story will be repeated in hundreds of recruitment firms over the next few years.  Many new recruitment business will start and HAVE A RECRUITMENT JOB RATHER THAN A RECRUITMENT BUSINESS… only to struggle to find the clients, struggle to make ends meet and either stay trapped in a job they hate, not being able to make the leap or worse having to go back to the job they left because they can no longer pay the bills. If they’re lucky, perhaps they’ll make a bit more money than they did at their former job… but with more stress and work along with it.

But a small handful of recruitment business owners will go about things differently.

This small handful of recruitment business owners will…

* Position themselves as the dominant player in their industry – the one people go to FIRST when seeking the recruitment service they provide
* Become one of the “big boys” that scoop up 80% of the available recruitment business… while the small fish who don’t know any better compete with each other for the scraps
* Set up their businesses so they not only run themselves by building a team but grow on their own… increasing net profits year after year while spending LESS time actually working
* Will use the 12 effective routes to market, and not just rely on making COLD CALLS to get business
* But perhaps most exciting… they’ll do it without working any harder than the others… and while having a whole lot more fun!

And the way they will do it… will be with MARKETING.

So the lesson from the story is quite simple… The fastest way to grow your recruitment business in today’s economy is not by doing more hard work… But by improving your marketing!

If you would like to access the latest marketing tools that will enable you to make more placements and earn more visit www.drewcoaching.co.uk

Please note: any adverts on this page are not connected with drewcoaching.

Did you run out of petrol?

April 4, 2012

Last week the UK government announced a “possible” fuel tanker drivers strike!

This led to fuel stations across the UK packed full of panicked buyers over spending on fuel, filling their car up with fuel they don’t really need.

Demand for petrol rose 172% on Thursday, and diesel by 77%, according to independent retailers’ group RMI Petrol.

There is a great book by Robert B.Cialdini – Influence Science and Practice, that looks at the factors that influence human beings to buy, it is considered a must read for any business owner that is looking to persuade clients to purchase from them.  Once you read this book I am sure you will appreciate the whole science of scarcity.  Let me explain…

In our need to control our world, being able to choose is an important freedom. If something becomes scarce, we anticipate possible regret that we did not acquire it, and so we desire it more. This desire is increased further if we think that someone else might get it and hence gain social position that we might have had.

In his book Cialdini tells a story of a salesman who always arranged for more than one interested buyer to arrive when he was showing a used car. The competition increased anxiety in both of them, and made the car seem much more attractive.

As a recruitment business owner, you can use this principle to help you make more placements and earn more money.

The scarcity principle is one that has been used by smart recruiters.  When something appears to be scarce, as human beings we instinctively want it more. Even though we don’t really need it!

You will have seen the expression ‘limited numbers’ used in adverts and direct mail — this again is the scarcity principle in play. Direct mail often includes these expressions to create the feeling of scarcity: A time sensitive offer such as:

“Reply with 7 days and receive this additional bonus,” or “Hurry – limited stocks.”

Is there an honest — time sensitive offer— you can include in your sales and business communications?

Perhaps when marketing a candidate.

Psychologists have found that the reason that scarcity is such a powerful principle is because as humans we are motivated by two main factors: “To avoid pain” and  “To gain pleasure.” Avoiding pain (fear of loss) – works better for creating action than the gaining of pleasure (an advantage or benefit).

We’ve certainly seen what happens when a shortage is announced about a staple commodity.

“Petrol is in short supply!”

What happens… yes, everyone goes out and buys loads of petrol, thereby making the problem worse.

TV infomercials and shopping channels use a flashing panel which states:

‘LIMITED numbers!’

Now here’s a strange observation from Robert Ciadini, if people manage to obtain the item that is scarce they will also believe that it’s better than if the item had been in plentiful supply.

So how can you use that in your business?

Do you always create scarcity in your communications to encourage your client to call you, email you and take some form of action?

You better do it quick because if you don’t and your competitors do, what are the implications for you and your business?

Wishing you continued success,

Terry Edwards

Please note: Any adverts on this page are not connected with drewcoaching

Is this malpractice?

February 14, 2012

Recently I had a visit from a mobile phone provider, as my current contract is up for renewal. The sales lady, of the competitor phone company, said she could save me hundreds of pounds off my mobile bill next year. She then proceeded to tell me all about herself, how long she had worked for the company and how good the company was. After that she went on explain that as a new customer I could have the latest mobile phone, she added that she could also help me transfer all the data from my existing phone to the new one.  Image

It should be noted, I don’t really care how long she worked for the company, neither was I fussed about having the latest phone or having help with transferring the data from my existing phone. My biggest problem with my current mobile phone provider is their customer service, as I’ve never been able to get things resolved quickly.
Yet this sales lady never asked me once how important that was to me. If she had simply followed the wining formula for any sales call, she would have had the answers she needed and I would have become a new customer for her company.

This got me thinking, if I visited my doctor and without examining me or getting my feedback as to what was wrong, she just wrote out a prescription for drugs; she could be struck off for malpractice for not making the correct diagnosis, due to her negligence in ascertaining what was wrong with me.

How often have you cold called a client or candidate and launched into what’s great about your recruitment company and why the client / candidate should work with you, without first understanding what the clients/candidates needs are. Could you be accused of malpractice?

It has been found that the most successful recruiters follow this wining formula:

  1. Opening – this is where you focus the clients/candidates mind on the conversation that is about to take place.
  2. Gathering – this is essential before presentation. In the gathering stage you begin to understand the problem the client/candidate is experiencing and what are their needs and motivation.
  3. Presenting – this is where we focus on the reasons why the client/candidate will make a buying decision.
  4. Adjusting – this is where we are able to adjust any areas of misunderstanding or disagreement.
  5. Concluding – this is actually, getting the client to give you the assignment or the reason why the candidate should attend the interview.

Anything else is surely just malpractice.

Wishing you continued success.

Terry Edwards

It’s a bit rushed at times

January 24, 2012

I was recently reading a book by the great coach and motivational speaker, Les Brown and he shared this story, which I would like to share with you.Image

A couple on holiday walk past a house where a family are sitting on chairs in their porch. Lying in between them is their dog which is moaning and groaning.  This scenario happens over several days when the couple passed the family. Confused, the couple decided if the same scenario happened the following day that they would ask the family about it.

Sure enough the next day, the same thing happened when they walked past the house.  So they finally ask the family, “What is wrong with the dog?”

The lady replies that there is nothing wrong with the dog; he is lying on a board that has a nail sticking up.  It bothers him enough to moan and groan, but it’s not irritating him enough to get up and move.

Can you identify with this story?  How many situations have you been in where you’ve moaned and groaned about something, but was not irritated enough to get off the nail and do something about it.

When will you do something about it? Or do you want to keep shifting around the problem and moan and groan some more, when the nail hits another part of your body?

Every day I get emails and phone calls from recruitment business owners moaning and groaning about the performance of their consultants, or moaning about not having enough business. I explain that it’s not their fault because they have never been taught how to run a business.  Neither have they been taught how to use marketing successfully to grow their business.

I then go onto to explain that there are books, CDs, recruitment organizations and coaches, where they can access information to help them overcome the problems they are moaning and groaning about.

The amazing thing is when we speak to them 3 months later to see how they are getting on, the majority of them respond with, “We have been really busy and haven’t got round to it yet.”

Apparently in a recent study carried out in the USA, it was found that 93% of self help books never get completely read by the purchaser.  But guess what, those recruitment business owners that do read the self help books, listen to CDs, talk to recruitment organizations or coaches and take action, do get results.

It is really easy to moan and groan about your consultants, clients and your candidates. It’s easy to moan and groan about the economic climate. In fact anybody can do that and most people do. It’s the successful ones who get off the nail and take action.

Which one are you?

Wishing you continued success.

Terry Edwards

Who are you going to blame this time?

November 28, 2011

The family and I watched the film “The Lion King” on TV this weekend; it is a great family film that communicates at many levels.

There was a particular scene that reminded of numerous conversations I have had with recruitment business owners.

In the film the wise monkey Rafiki leaves Pride Park in search of the main character Simba, who is the rightful heir to the pride of Lions.

Simba left his friends and family after a freak accident in which his father was killed in a stampede. Simba always believed that he was responsible for the death of his father, so in shame he left vowing never to return.

Rafiki eventually found Simba and begged him to come back to the pride and restore order, as his uncle was creating havoc in his absence.
“I can’t return to the pride” said Simba.
“Why not?” asked Rafiki

“Because of what happened in the past, I am so ashamed of what I did.” Simba replied.

Notice how Simba is allowing what happened in the past to dictate his future.

At this point in the film Rafiki swung his walking stick and smacked Simba right between the eyes.
“Ouch! What is that for” screamed Simba

“It does not matter, it is in the past” said the wise monkey

“Yes but the past is still hurting now” replied Simba

“Ah but you see, this is where opportunity awaits. For you can focus on the pain, and question the reason of the past, or you can go beyond the pain and learn from the past.” said Rafiki
At this point, Rafiki swung his walking stick again towards Sambas’ face, but this time Simba ducked. He had learned it was better to learn from the past than to dwell on it.

Every day I will hear from a recruitment business owner on why they can’t achieve what they truly desire. They will blame it on something that has happened in the past. Maybe the relationship with their parents, sibling or partner. Sometimes the recruitment business owner will blame the consultants the candidates or clients.

Psychologist call this, “Cause & Effect”

An example of this maybe “The business is underperforming because my team are not billing” or “I am unhappy at work because I don’t get on with my clients.”

All these are examples of what psychologists call being at “Effect.”

If however you are at “Cause” you will accept 100% responsibility for the performance of your team, consequently you will look to do something about it. Or if you don’t get on with a client and you take responsibility for this, then you acknowledge that it is your choice to work with that particular client.

Sometimes when I share this with some recruitment business owners, they will often do what’s called “arguing for their limitations” usually starting the conversation “Yes but, I can’t be blamed for my team under-performing.” Well that is where the difference is, it is not about blame it is about being at “Cause”.

What psychologists have discovered is that business owners that accept 100% responsibility for everything in their life, or are at “Cause”, tend to be more successful, happier and have greater contentment. Once you accept that your success is your choice and that you are responsible for everything in your life, then you can no longer be the victim as you are now acknowledging that you can do something about it.

What would your business look like if you always were at “Cause” and took the lesson from the past to create the future that you desire?

Wishing you continued success,

Terry Edwards


Please note: Any adverts on this page are not connected with drewcoaching

Would you propose marriage on the first date?

November 10, 2011

When you first meet your ideal partner, even if it is “love at first sight,” you still wouldn’t propose on the first date. You are almost certain to get a NO! And rightly so… before anyone would make such a commitment you need to develop a relationship and trust with them first.

The same applies to potential prospects for your recruitment business!

In order to get the best results from your telephone marketing, you need to be nurturing and developing the relationship you have with potential prospects over time.  Evidence has shown that there does need to be some kind of relationship before they hand over their job spec and commit to your recruitment services.

You see, a large percentage of what influences someone to buy your recruitment services is the relationship they have with you. They need to trust that what you’re offering will get them the results they want. Also they need to know that you are the right person to go to.

This relationship is built by utilizing several routes to market simultaneously ‘touching’ each prospect from several angles and offering them high value information, that will help them and their business!

There is a great book by Seth Godin called “Permission Marketing” in it he argues that advertising just doesn’t work as well as it used to – in part because there’s so much of it, in part because people have learned to ignore it, in part because the rise of the Net means that companies can go beyond it. “We are entering an era,” Godin declares, “that’s going to change the way almost everything is marketed to almost everybody.”

The biggest problem with mass-market advertising, Godin says, is that it fights for people’s attention by interrupting them. A 30-second spot interrupts a “Seinfeld” episode. A telemarketing call interrupts a family dinner. A print ad interrupts this article. “The interruption model is extremely effective when there’s not an overflow of interruptions,” Godin says. “But there’s too much going on in our lives for us to enjoy being interrupted anymore.”

The new model, he argues, is built around permission. The challenge for recruiters is to persuade clients to volunteer attention – to “raise their hands” (one of Godin’s favourite phrases) – to agree to learn more about a recruitment company and it service. “Permission marketing turns strangers into friends and friends into loyal customers,” he says. “It’s not just about entertainment – it’s about education.”

There is a simple and effective method that is used by the most successful recruitment firms, which generate 100 of leads without you trying to do it on the first date. 

Simply click here where you gain access to the tools and templates to get your clients to call you. 

You will also get a E-Book compliments of drewcoaching